
ICS stands for “Ingenieurbuero Claus Seifert” and can also be read as “Integrated China Service”. The company was established in the early 2000s when its founder, Claus Seifert, recognised the opportunities presented by the agile and rapidly expanding Chinese economy. One of the first orders was in the international timber business. Containers of German beech logs went to the Chinese furniture industry. Wooden cots found their way back to Germany. Printed circuit boards, metal parts and clothing were added to the initial range of products shipped to European customers.

Mr Seifert visiting a casting company, Qingdao 2004

Mr Seifert subsequently held positions with Chinese subsidiaries of international companies, acting as the technical liaison for both local and foreign management. As production increased, his main tasks were to analyse the facilities, followed by the selection, procurement and commissioning of new production equipment. He often acted as the communication interface between the parent company abroad and the Chinese subsidiary.
Being based in Suzhou in the years 2005 to 2007, ICS operated with a team of three people taking care of the procurement and quality assurance of print products (books and catalogues).
From 2011 until 2014 Mr Seifert again took over an assignment in operational process optimization, this time at a major player in the field of metallurgical equipment. He was responsible, among other matters, for the vendor management based on regular audits.
Since then, the focus has been on the supplier side. According to ICS, product quality is directly related to technical and organisational excellence. Although Chinese manufacturers are generally well prepared to meet the demands of foreign buyers, success ultimately depends on a closer look behind the scenes. ICS maintains an extensive network of suppliers and fosters personal relationships to facilitate business to the benefit of its clients.